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中央政府門戶網(wǎng)站 simplycreativeconsulting.com   2010年03月01日   來源:十一屆全國人大三次會議新聞中心






Notice on Collection of Press Cards, Auditing Cards for Press Officers

and Vehicle Passes for the NPC and CPPCC

    Foreign journalists and their Chinese assistants who have applied to cover the 3rd Session of the 11th NPC and the 3rd Session of the 11th CPPCC National Committee, Press Officers who have applied for observing the meetings, please collect the concerning cards and passes at the Press Center (Add: Media Center, 11B Fuxing Road, Beijing) on March 1 (9:00AM-8:00PM) and March 2 (9:00AM-12:00AM), 2010. Resident foreign journalists shall bring their Press Cards issued by the IPC, foreign journalists for short-term coverage of the two sessions shall bring their valid passports, press officers shall present their valid passports, and the Chinese assistants shall come with Chinese employee cards issued by the designated organizations providing services to foreign nationals. Tel: 68528000, 68522270, 68522275 Entrance Gate: North Gate of the Media Center, 11B Fuxing Road, Beijing.

Receptions for Foreign Journalists

Press Center for NPC and CPPCC